Over thirty years in the making... the Dyno you've always wanted with all of the quality of today. The '87 Dyno Pro Compe is filled with all the little details you would expect and one big one, a tribute to BMX Hall of Fame Inductee, Lord Voelker. Inspired by the year Voelker turned pro for GT/Dyno. This is the Dyno The Lord always wanted.
BMX or not, Chad is about that Bike Life! Riding around towns, throwing wheelies, listening to music and laughing with your friends, that is ALL CK! So it seemed to make sense to ask Chad to come up with a bike that he would be hyped to wheelie at ride-outs. The BMF is all of that, jewelry inspired graphics, paint that pops, and fitted with BMX level components so it could hold up in the air as well. The BMX is Chad Kerley, the BMF is Bike Life.
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